May 10, 2007

honor your mother

Yesterday I took Van to the beach for the first time. He loved it, I dipped his toes in the sand and walked down to the water with him. It was a little too cold for him to put his feet in, but I could tell by the look on his face that he liked it and knew it was a special place to be.

We went on a little trail that ran along the beach with our friends Jen and laekin (Van's girlfriend). And we wrote Van's name in the sand.

Laekin is a little older than Van but he likes mature women, I can tell. We spend one day a week with them now doing something fun outside, so Van is getting to know Laekin very well.. They have even seen each other get their diaper changed.. shhh

I found myself laying in a dentist chair this morning getting my teeth cleaned while rocking Van in his car seat so he wouldn't cry. I guess most moms get a baby sitter. Conner came but he had to go to work. Some days Van barely cries at all and I look at myself in the mirror and think I may have finally figured it out. Then I have a day like today where I look at myself in the mirror and realize makeup can't even cover up the dark circles under my eyes so why should I try.

Mothers day is coming up and I wanted to speak about something i am feeling very passionate about lately. I think because my mom lost her son to leukemia at the age of 6, that I feel strongly about supporting this cause. I don't think leukemia was a treatable disease at the time, but all the same she lost her son. And if there is something we can to to prevent other mothers from losing their children well let's do it!! Okay? Please help me in supporting the Global Child Survival Act.

Every year, 10 million mothers lose a child under the age of 5 to a completely preventable disease. This Mother's Day, you have an opportunity to give these mothers, and yours, a special gift.

Just this morning Congress introduced the U.S. Commitment to Global Child Survival Act. It will provide resources for simple and cost effective tools to save the lives of the 30,000 children who die each day from treatable infections, waterborne illness, malnutrition, and the half a million mothers who die from complications in childbirth.


Today, you can honor mothers around the world by sending a letter to your members of Congress asking them to support the Global Child Survival Act.


Then send a special ONE Mother's Day greeting to let mothers know you did this in their honor.

click here if the link above doesn't work.

I am looking forward to this weekend with Van and Conner, it is my time to reflect on the past two months and what a little miracle I have to wake up to each morning and night! I couldn't do it alone, I know that much.
xoxoxoxo much love.


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