Apr 11, 2007

little people, big world

Tomorrow Van will be 1 month old, it's crazy how fast the time goes. It seems so difficult to do even the smallest task these days like write a thank you note or cook dinner, or go to the bathroom for the love of pete....

I have all of these things piling up on my desk, thank you notes, birth announcements (which i seem to have made very difficult on myself just to save a red cent!!) Today we did big thangs we went to the drs. and Van now weighs 10lbs and is 21.5 inches tall... yipee he is growing and healthy. That is all I prayed for when I had him in the warm oven for 9 months. He looks like a little old man still but when he smiles my heart melts and I see a little boy who just tooted and is laughing at himself.. (he toots a lot too) When Conner gets home from work he smiles at him too - just to say hello...

we went to target, and dropped the dogs off to be furminated what ever that means.

I am officially cutting myself off from tv during the day. You see I am addicted to little people, big world.
I have developed a love for little people over the past year, I never knew I had this obsession but I DO. I bought a dwarf avocado tree and planted it in my back yard to support little people, or dwarfs. I think it it pretty amazing that two dwarfs can produce normal height children.

Anyways it is my favorite show, when I am not watching jail/ prison shows which I am really into also. enough about me....

I wanted to show you this picture of Conner when he was just born. Can you believe he can hold a hammer ad age 1 day old. unbelievable. he is pretty handy around the house!

more later!


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