Sep 8, 2007

Sweet Dreams...

Tonight I am tired, Lola has a cone on her head because the groomers cut her little girlie neck. Our house is clean, I got pulled over this week for almost running a stop sign and managed to spew so much random information when the cop came to my window that I scared him into not wanting to give me a ticket. I just kept talking I couldn't stop. And the first words out of my mouth were " I stopped Sir, I did".

I feel like I try to do to much all of the time, and I don't take a moment out to have any breaks. I rarely ever watch TV and Van doesn't either. But I have put him in front of the TV to watch manny on the Disney channel here and there when i can't seem to separate my self from those sheets in the am. I am simply tired because I can't seem to get Van to sleep through the night. I am not going to be one of those mom's that is like oh and our baby sleeps 12 hours a night, it is so wonderful. He wakes up twice a night for two feedings, and I have tried everything. I have read 4 books on sleep training and fed the boy 3 meals a day but nothing has worked so far.

It's really hard to explain how hard this task is, I know I would be a much more sane person if I was sleeping through the night, and I could focus during the day. Lately I have felt like I have ADD going through the day aimlessly doing 8 projects at once, and wondering where the day really went at the end of it.

On a positive note Van's physical therapy is going well, and they see improvements. I do too!
I thought this picture was funny because all of the ones of Van are of the front of his head, but this one gives you a little looksy at his mullet that is disappearing a little bit every day. He has the softest little blond downy fuzz on his head now. I love to rub his head at night after his bath when he is all snuggy next to me, falling into a slumber.

I love the time I have with Van each night before he goes to bed
cuddling in his rocking chair, It makes my heart warm. Until 2am then we do it all over again!!!

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