Sep 22, 2007

6 months old

It's a little bit late but here is Van's 6 month picture, he is sitting up now, eating solid foods, sleeping 10 and 12 hours at night, and just this week he graduated to a high chair for his yummy meal time, and we bought a toddler car seat. I did so much research online to see what the best car seat was. I also asked all of my momma friends, they all said the britax car seats are the best! But when we saw how much they were we opted for an evenflo. I think I am going to return it because Van's head falls forward and the seat sits up so straight that he can't fall asleep and relax his neck. The Britax has a recline handle that lets the baby lean back so they can sleep more comfortably.
I recently found this picture of myself when I was six months old & wanted to share it.
It's funny I am not too sure who van looks like but I see so much of both Conner and I in him every day.

I think Conner is older than 6 months old in this photo but it is fun to appreciate what a cute little guy he was & compare it with Van's pics.

I realize that our children hold similar characteristics to us but each one is so different and unique. They truly are little diamonds. We are so lucky to have a healthy boy. I have heard some stories this week about people with sick babies, and I thank God for gifting us with a healthy happy boy every day!

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