Sep 30, 2008

Playdoh is natural.

For some ungodly reason today i woke up wanting to dye my hair brown and get some fake nails.
Normally I am a pretty natural girl but today I had some alternative feelings. As if we have not had enough changes I want to make more! I have been learning a lot about myself lately. I am a creature of habit and I am one who needs their own space to feel rested. I rejuvenate when i am alone.

Anyways sorry for the short entries that lack depth!

I did find this great little recipie for making your own playdoh.

How to Make Playdough (Play-doh) - More cool how to projects


Sep 29, 2008

Halloween Costume HELP!

I have finally moved on past the feeling or not being settled yet for three months now, and I am on to bigger and better.... Um what should Van be for Halloween this year? I need a costume and I need it asap. I always wait until the last minute to figure out what we are going to be so this year I need your help...

Here are some cute ones that I found (Monkey, chicken, donkey) but I would love some more input... I don't think they sell redneck costumes so we wont be going down that road yet! HA
I have one more year until he will be a big boy and then he will want to be something like a scary skeleton or a ghost - BOO! Next year he wont think being a chicken is very cool so I should milk it while the baby dayz are here!



I was just placing an order on and decided to try these gdiapers! check them out. TRENDY and ECO - FRIENDLY. I love this stuff.

Why are gDiapers good for the planet?
No landfill required. 50 million disposable diapers enter the landfill every day, where they sit for up to 500 years. gDiapers are plastic-free, so they break down in 50-150 days. gDiapers are cradle to cradle certified which means that everything that goes into making the refill is reabsorbed by the planet in a neutral or helpful way. It’s very cool.

Naturally, best for your baby.
gDiapers are breathable. Plastic-free flushable refills keep babies dry and happy, so they’re less likely to get diaper rash.

Starter Kit
breathable • comfortable • easy fit
* Contains 2 ‘little g’ pants, 10 plastic-free, flushable refills and a H.U.G (handy user’s guide).
* Easy fit ‘little g’ pants are breathable, so babies are less likely to get diaper rash.
* Now in fun, gender neutral colors (genuine vanilla bean and golden orange).
* Each ‘little g’ comes with 2 waterproof snap-in liners to reduce washing.



* no elemental chlorine
* no plastic
* no perfumes
* no inks or dyes
* no latex
* no garbage, no guilt.

* Snug, easy, non-bulky natural fit.
* Soft velcro closures around the back.
* More stretch in the waist and legs fits all babies better.
* Comfy baby-soft waistband.
* No elemental chlorine, no perfumes, no latex.
* Machine washable.

Did you know?
* If you can’t flush? it’s ok to toss the refills because everything that goes into the refills is reabsorbed by the planet. It's very cool. Or garden compost the wet ones. They’ll break down in 50-150 days.
* We recommend having six pair of pants on hand for full time gDiapers use.
* The ‘g’ stands for genuine, green, global, gentle, grassroots, gee. At gDiapers, we love babies and the planet which why we started a diaper company that is gentle on the Earth. Being from Australia we call it 'fair dinkum,' which means being genuine and real with everyone we meet. –Kim and Jason Graham-Nye, co-founders.

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Sep 25, 2008

Dianneerwin Creative

Dianneerwin Creative just had a fun project - I got to design a logo & packaging label for flip Sammy's Naturals - a flip flop freshener! Right up our alley. All natural and lemon scented.

Check out the art work!

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Sep 22, 2008


We are moving again! Into a different house this time, but less than a mile away.
Seems the house we rented had black mold, air quality that children should not be subjected to and now a water bill that is costing us over $500 for one month! The landlord has given us until the 26th - this Friday to be out. We will put our things in storage for a week and move into another house on the 4th of OCT. There we will settle.

I feel like a fish swimming in murky water because the water has been changed so many times. We are happy and doing fine other than these minor bumps.

Life is funny - just when you thought things were calming down they get a little rougher.
I am lifting it all up at this point and letting God sort some things out, no fighting. Just floating....

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Sep 17, 2008

lila guide!

I stumbled upon this website today and thought I would share!

Sep 9, 2008

On the move....

Yesterday I took Van to the beach and we brought the dogs along. Since Van and I are staying at my moms and the dogs are still in the house we rented he doesn't get to see them much. So we walked out onto the white sand. Van was in nothing but a diaper, white birds were all around us and the dogs ran into the water, a gentle breeze blew by us. The water was crystal clear and there was not a person in sight. For a moment I got a feeling of what heaven might be like except my husband was missing. No bugs were in sight, the heat was not that bad and for a moment I took it all in. It is for moments like these that we moved here. Lately I have really been missing home (California) my friends, having the door open in our house and letting the cool breeze blow in, watching Van play outside in our yard while I do things in side. The comforts of our life are so missed right now. It's funny that saying "you don't know what you got til it's gone". It's true. We will try Florida out for a year and see how it goes. I know it takes time to build a life anywhere, but it's hard. I know why people stay put now....

We looked at it as an adventure when we were packing up and leaving. Today it seems much harder than I thought it would be. I know this much Van turns one and a half this week and he knows his family, and it makes me smile to hear him call my mom's name "non". I always felt out of place here in Florida, the minute I arrived in California I knew that was where I was supposed to be. Turns out that is where I found some of the most important people in my life aside from my family. I love you Conner, thank you for enduring for us, I know you have given up so much to be here. What an adventure we are on huh?

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Sep 3, 2008

In a nutshell...

I walk dogs, for extra money. So I can buy Trucks.

I get Ice Cream when I am good. "which is all the time"

I go on the potty!

What a whirlwind of events that has taken place in our lives lately. We found out today that we are living in an unsafe home. The landlady needs to remove all moldy anything before I will bring Van back into that house. We took a road trip to South Carolina to see my college buddies and get out of town for the weekend. When we returned it was my birthday and I had a nice relaxing one! My mom watched Van and she gave me the best massage while we watched tennis and relaxed. Then she watched Van at night and Conner and I got to go have sushi with the family! I got some awesome gifts including a gift card to nordstrom and my favorite signature perfume Angel. Conner gave me some running shoes so I can run away from here! Run forest run! I have felt pretty defeated lately - just to be honest. I want to write that everything is awesome and we are all smiles, but since we have arrived it has been a rocky road. Everything has been a challenge. Van is sick again I think he got a cold on our trip but this time he can't keep food down and is running fevers. I feel like a hamster running in my ball and I can't get anything accomplished..... This to shall pass - Conner reminded me tonight as he drove away after dinner to the house we are supposed to be living in as a family. Van is needing MOM even more these days as he is not sure where home is and he is feeling ill. We love this boy more than anything in this world and just want a safe place for him to call home. Where he can play with his trucks and doggies...

Here are a few photos of the milestones from the past few weeks. He is about to turn one and a half and I enjoy every second with him, even when I am getting thrown up on four times in a row.
My sister sent me this poem that she found and I love it..

My Baby Boy and Me:
It's three AM, they're all asleep, and no-one's here to see.
As we rock slowly back and forth, My baby boy and me.
His little hand is feather light Tucked up against my chin.
I hold his tiny hand in mine, and stroke his baby skin.
The house about us creaks and groans, The clock hands creep around.
He snuggles closer to me still, And makes his baby sounds. I love these quiet hours so much, And cherish every one.
Store memories up inside my heart For lonely nights to come.
All too soon he'll be grown up, His need for mama gone.
But until then I still have time For kisses and for song.
Time for quiet hours like this With him cuddled in my arms,
Where I wish he'd always stay Protected, safe and warm.
And yet I know the day will come When his tiny little hand, will be bigger than my own. He'll grow to be a man.
But until then he's mine to love With no one here to see. As we rock slowly back and forth,
My baby boy and me.
...Author Unknown

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