May 2, 2008

Clean baby.....

Van can hold his breath under water now, he is a little fish? He is just now grasping how to come up for air when his swim teacher pushes him towards the wall.

I love it when Van is clean, I met a girl at Van's swimming lesson the other day and she was using her non disposable diapers and she told me all about how to make my own baby wipes. I looked it up when I got home and altered the recipe a bit, and it works great. No harsh chemicals and Van's skin is soft with no irritations! I am using earthfirst 100% recycled paper towels from costco! These paper towels are not bleached using chlorine so no harsh chemicals on baby's bum or face.

Making your own baby wipes will not only save money, but you will know for sure that no harsh or drying chemicals are touching your baby's bottom. I found this article on

Here's How:

1. Cut the roll of paper towels in half with a knife and remove the inner cardboard core.
2. Mix liquid ingredients in container.
3. Place the paper towels in the container with the cut side facing downward.
4. Secure lid tightly and allow to sit until all liquid is absorbed into the paper towels.
5. Turn the container upside-down and allow to sit for 10 minutes.
6. Open container and 'start' the roll by pulling a towel from the inside of the roll.
7. Wipes are now ready to use.


1. These also make a great gift for new parents. You can decorate or personalize the container and, of course, be sure to include a copy of the recipe.
2. Save the other half of the roll for use next time you make wipes.
3. Make sure the container is closed tightly after each use to prevent drying out.
4. When your baby is older and his skin is less sensitive, you can add about a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol to the mix.

What You Need:

* Round plastic container (Rubbermaid #6 or #9 works well)
* Thick, strong roll of white paper towels
* Sharp knife to cut paper towel roll in half
* 2 cups water that has been boiled and cooled to room temperature
* 2 Tablespoons of castille soap - I like Dr bronners baby mild soap
* 1 Tablespoon olive oil
* 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil or grapefruit seed extract (you can find this at any health food store)
* 5 drops of lavender oil for scent and relaxation

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Blogger Unknown said...

That picture is awesome! Do you go to Murray Callan?

03 May, 2008  

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