Oct 24, 2007

Stop, Drop & Drive to Vegas

We have had a crazy past few days! Yesterday Conner & I decided it would be best to leave our house and drive out to Vegas to meet Big Poppa (Conner's Dad). It was so surreal driving thru California and seeing all of the fires, I was like a little kid at Disney world for the first time. I realized on our way to Vegas the strength of Mother Natures Fury. She is not messing around! Growing up in Florida I saw several hurricanes but fire is really a different story. Water damage doesn't destroy your entire home the way that fire does. I prayed for rain on the way too, but there is none in sight. Our house is not in danger right now, but they have set back fires in Camp Pendelton to make sure they don't come near the neighborhoods or the huge power plant that we are so close to. The smoke however was unbearable yesterday at our house and the ash looks like snow. Everything has a layer of grey on it. We drove right thru the middle of the big fire in riverside/Fallbrook yesterday. The first picture is from our house, it was Monday when the smoke had just started to flow thru! These other pics are from the two fires we saw while driving to Vegas yesterday. On top of having to leave our house and pack only a few things that I would want to keep in case our house went down in flames, Van is sick. So he is stuffed up and it is really hard for him to eat because he cant breathe when he is drinking from a bottle or nursing!
Anyways we are safe, we did have to leave Zeek and Lola at the house and Auntie Maria is taking care of them. I am worried about them though and wish we did bring em to Vegas now.

The rice Canyon Fire is the one that is the closest to us, and here are the stats ans dome more images of that fire.
More later on this, pray for all of those who have lost their homes, and the animals that are suffering from the fires too.

Pray that I can win some money while we are in Vegas so we can have a little fun!!

Our house is where the black circle is on the map. Just so you can see that we are truly surrounded by fires and heavy smoke.

: 7,000 acres (3:39 p.m. 10/23)
Containment: 0 percent
Homes burned: 100 homes destroyed (10/22 at 3 p.m.) 1 structure damaged, possibly a trailer (10/22 1 p.m.) 500 to 1,000 homes in danger over next 24 hours

No. of evacuations:45,000

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