Jun 4, 2008

RIP Foxxy....

We did a little photoshoot in the fox (Conner's Beach car) last weekend, the whole family was in the car for some shots! Van loved this car as if it were his own, everyday when Conner would get home he would run to the door and ask to open it, he would climb in and pretend he was driving, until we peeled his little fingers from the wheel. His two obsessions - the fox and the milk cartons....

Yesterday Conner called and said "the fox is dead a lady hit me." It turns out she had taken a bunch of pills and didn't even know where she was. She pulled over into his lane as he was crossing a major intersection on PCH in Carlsbad he was going about 40 mph so he is very lucky considering the fox was a tuna can. We bought the Fox "beater" just so Conner could have a car for a couple months until we move. Car accidents don't sit well with me at all. We are pretty sure the Fox is totaled. It's pretty amazing that both of the cars needed to be towed away, but they both walked away unscathed. Whew close call good thing he got that seat belt ticket last week so he was wearing his seat belt! Foxxy we will miss you, you did look like a piece of oragami all balled up on the street when we saw you last, but we know you were strong on the inside. I laughed at you when i first saw you but you grew on all of us! RIP.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH NO! I'm glad everyone is okay. I love the photos! and by the way, your hubbie is a hottie!

06 June, 2008  

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