Jun 3, 2008

it's the little things.....

Is it bad that I get excited about washing my hair these days? yesterday I had a day... It wasn't bad or good really, just weird. I felt weird, things were hard to do, and the day seemed to get away from me. Reality was knocking at my door, and I didn't want to see his face.

So at 8pm the ups man knocks on my door and leaves a yummy package to help me out at the end of my weird day! I ordered this shampoo my girlfriend Lori had in her shower and the best part was that I got a FREE bottle of conditioner too! Who gives things away free these days, I mean gas costs 5 dollars a gallon....

Well I figured I would share kind of a funny little not so funny story with you about Van. I mean after all this blog is called vanerwin.com for a reason.

I will start by saying I am not perfect...

Today we were running a little late for swim class so I decided when we pulled up I would put Van's swim trunks on in the parking lot. I stripped him down next to the car, and threw his 1st swim diaper on then his trunks on over that. I did it fast and something seemed awkward but I couldn't seem to figure it out. So I let him stand there waiting as I gathered our things for class. He started to walk away and as i looked back he was lying on the pavement, and looking very awkward at that. I scooped him up and started walking towards the pool when I noticed I had put two legs into one hole of his swim trunks and the reason he fell was because A. I was hurrying and B. because he couldn't walk, he was a merman. That explains the awkwardness. I got him in the pool and he was all smiles again, with parking lot dirt on his forehead and cheek! Another mom said, "he is so freaking cute, I think I like him because he flirts with me". Yep that's my son flirting and charming the ladies -hmmm wonder who he got that from? I have no idea....


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