Aug 15, 2008


I love watching the Olympics I really do, all of those amazing muscles... I mean those amazing athletes with the determination and dedication to their sport and their country! I think it is pretty amazing to watch. I am astounded by Michael Phelps and Dara Torres, I was a swimmer and I know how much practice it takes to be good. Those little gymnast girls with their flippy ponytails and their schunchies are really fun to watch as they fly through the air too. I do have one question however about the NBC Olympics Anchor Mary Carillo. I know she was a famous tennis player, but do you think she was born a man?

Conner and I literally had an argument the other night I thought she was a man who had a sex change and he thought she was gay!

I keep wondering call me nosy or simply curious. I think people are watching Michael Phelps nightly on NBC and making note of the many shots they see of Debbie Phelps cheering from the stands. We see Michael's mom, but what about dad? I looked his dad up and apparently his dad is not really in his life and never really has been. His sisters and mom raised him, and his father is somewhere in Greece. They exchange emails back and forth every now and then. Just some stuff I was wondering about that I am sure some of you have thought about too.... I am sure he will be sending his little mikey an email tonight! AMAZING!

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Blogger Polarbear said...

hi I'm just a stranger.
I want to say that I understand why you thought Mary Carillo was a man because she does look manly to me too. Hahaha but she is a mom of 2 teenaged daughters actually. It's the first time I watch her reporting but I like her natural style and sense of humor. :P
As to Phelps, he is really amazing but I think his 8 medal record must thank to Jason Lezak who is really the key person in that critical relay.

17 August, 2008  

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