Jan 29, 2008

I can't hear you- I have surfers ear.

Conner has gone to the doctors three times in the past two weeks, and you know it is serious when he goes to the doctor. He is not one to go but maybe once a year as it is. Seems he has a condition called surfers ear, and the entire ear canal passageway has closed and he cannot hear out of that ear at all. After so much exposure to the cold water the ear wants to protect itself and it keeps closing over time. So now it is officially closed.

He had a really bad ear infection that just kept getting worse and he finally went to the Dr's, after peroxide drops and ear candles at home. He got some ear drops and some other meds, those didn't clear it up either. So he went back and got a wick stuck in his ear to keep it dry and to allow the drops to go deep into the ear. He still can't hear after all of those attempts.His right ear is 100% closed and his left ear is 95% closed. I thought he was just ignoring me for a while and then after three weeks of repeating everything I say 4 times or more, I realized the severity of it. He found out yesterday that he will need to get surgery in order to get his hearing back and to open the ear canal again. He wont be able to surf for 2 months.
I am sad for him, and I know he is annoyed by it.



Blogger Vicious Summer said...

UGH! That is a major bum out. I heard that surfers ear surgery is quite painful...That whole cutting off your ear thing...Ouch! The hardest part for Conner will probably be the not surfing for 2 months part. Double ouch!

01 February, 2008  

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